Thursday, July 11, 2024

Innovation and Private Sector

Private firms spearhead the production growth in any country. After all, the capitalist system itself pushes the private sector to engage in economic activities, as the capital needed for these activities is held by private individuals. It has been proven that the government acting as an entrepreneur in the market often yields outcomes that do not benefit society as a whole.

The private sector’s stance on market opportunities involves rational choices based on the profitability of any economic endeavor. Private entities prioritize their money, the capital, before dulging in any activity since it is their hard-earned and accumulated capital that is at stake. On the other hand, governments spend the tax money, which belongs to citizens. When government officials decide to compete in any market, they do not always behave like private firms do, as the capital that they are putting forward is not theirs. They are not betting their own money, which could lead them to make bolder decisions. The private sector is the key to efficient economic decisions.

Not only that, but the private sector comes up with innovation, which brings about economic growth. To increase productivity, thus profit, firms need to innovate. Take, for example, Henry Ford’s assembly line. He needed to manufacture cars at a faster rate, so he devised a new production method in which pre-produced parts were attached to the body at a specific location on a continuously moving line.

The fact that the private sector’s efficient production, combined with the government’s monitoring and safeguarding, propels a nation’s economy to new heights is undeniable.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Drones Get Equipped With A.I.

Drones have taken up a bigger space in our skies lately. Easy to operate than any other aerial vehicle, drones are used in so many areas, from delivery of goods to surveillance. By incorporating drone technology with artificial intelligence, drones can also be controlled by computers. Although such a technology is still in its infancy, it will transform the future of drones dramatically.

Assigning each drone with an a.i. gives them a sense of autonomy, allowing them to decide what to do depending on changing circumstances. A drone equipped with advanced CPUs can calculate the possible whereabouts of disaster survivors and help authorities locate them. Drones can survey and map areas struck by disasters, accelerating the search and rescue efforts.

Drones can also navigate through stern environments where humans cannot get there safely. Caverns, cliffs, and summits can all be explored by drones without putting human life in danger. They can pinpoint congested streets or roads, reporting spots that cause traffic jams.

The fight against crime can also be another area to make use of drones. We would not need any choppers to follow criminals who run off by vehicle. The chase vehicle can be easily tracked by drones, which can calculate possible routes that the runaway vehicle could divert to. This would greatly ease law enforcement's efforts to fight crime.

The future of drones is very bright. The application of drones has become so widespread that its implications will affect everyone for the better. Life will be a lot easier, and the world will be safer.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Fish Farming: Why we need it


Growing concerns over the sustainability of marine life bring about questions on raising fish in artificially created habitats both inland and at sea. It has been a promising business model where people raise fish for consumption purposes, just like a farm raises poutlry for meat. Can such a practice put fish on the tables of ordinary households?

Yes, farming fish has had a positive impact on the fish market, creating a substitute for the fish raised in the seas naturally. A bass farmed by humans is sold cheaper than its sea-born counterpart. A greater portion of the population can now have access to fish products, which possess vital proteins essential to a healthy body.

However, like any endeavor, these practices have some shady sides to them. Greed can be a big factor, such that in order to reduce costs, the owners can overcrowd the pools, creating constant turmoil within the pool. Moreover, the quality of fish feed is often questionable. The availability of additives that can accelerate the maturity process can be tempting.

The fish is a very important source of protein, which should be consumed for at least a week by all. Yet, both pollution and excessive hunting put a hold on the population growth of freshwater fish. Hence, we have been forced to farm our fish to make up for the forgone supply. In this respect, farming fish on the shores and inland pools benefits us in that more of us can now afford to buy fish and fish products. On a side note, though, fish farming is not always a clean practice, which should be monitored closely by the authorities.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Songs In Different Tongues

 There is a widespread belief that a language must sound cool if one wants to make beautiful songs in that language. In fact, such a notion is flawed since languages that are known to be notoriously ugly and rough on the ears can produce songs that are loved by millions. German is one of them.

The German language is wrongfully assumed to sound inattractive to the listener, hinting that it can be an unpleasent experience being exposed to German. The existence of the metal band Rammstein solely disproves that. They have created an entire array of some of the best metal songs in their genre. Having been followed by millions of listeners, Rammstein has gathered a diverse fanbase from all nationalities, not just native German speakers. Most of his songs are sung by these fans from the heart, irrelavant of the language’s accoustical character.

Another example to challenge it would be the Turkish language. Turkish is also falsely associated with those languages that sound ugly. Yet, the Turks posit that Turkish is one of the most melodic languages that is perfectly suitable for songmaking. Thousands of Turkish songs are produced every year in Turkey, and songs from previous decades are still listened to widely. The language is so compatible that every music genre that exists today can be found in Turkish music.

Thus, languages and how well they sound to an untrained ear can be misleading. Languages that sound harsh to one can be music to the other. And languages that are thought to be not musical can come up with songs that are listened to by masses of people.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Why We Should Never Let Tech Kill Practical Skills


The age of technology has changed our lives forever. We can access information easier than ever. All the things we need pertaining to traffic, media, entertainment, etc. are all digitally available to us. A simple click, and you get a screen that shows how the weather is going to be in your neighborhood.

I totally agree that technology brings convenience, yet it also accounts for the loss of our ability to do things manually. We did stop writing with our hands on real paper because we rely heavily on our keyboards or touch screens to type a simple message. We follow our cars’ navigation systems to find our way instead of reading a city map to figure out a direction.

The grip of our minds on our muscles starts to loosen as we get too lazy, making use of technology unnecessarily. Such can be discerned in kids who are into gaming. These kids lock themselves in their rooms for hours to play video games while their friends go out and play outside. Those who spend too much time in front of the screen will be blunting their practical skills. Whenever they face a task that requires practicality, they will have a hard time accomplishing it.

We should never forget that the technology that we enjoy today was the result of some sort of manual labor. Some tightened the bolts, and some drew the blueprints by hand. We owe it to those who have put all these ideas into practice. We should never let technology itself kill our practical abilities, which we need for further improvement.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Old But Gold: It Is Not Fun Anymore


Why is it that we still listen to songs but do not get overly excited about them? Why don’t we have half the joy when we play video games compared to the outset of the video game era? Tools of entertainment have mounted up greatly, yet the joy we get from experiencing them has not evolved enough. In fact, people miss those days when the industry was taking its first few baby steps.

In the 1980s and 1990s, technology was not as advanced as it is today. We used primitive recording devices, which were limited in supply and hard to access. If we had a newly released cassette tape of our favorite music band, we would listen to it for days without a break. We had enormous joy listening to these relics of technology. However, we now have CDs and DVDs, which can hold hundreds of songs each. We can listen to music on our phones, wherever we are. We have too many options to choose from, whereas we used to have a limited supply back in the old days. This makes us avid consumers who do not experience the entertainment but consume it once and never go back again, which saps the potential joy we were to get.

Entertainment has gone so far that each production is seen as something to consume. It has been so monetized that people do not seek joy from a single product of art but instead want to swallow the whole package without tasting. Games, music, and movies no longer serve as treats for people. They are now regular activities to pass the time.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Chess is Getting More Robotic


The beauty of chess cannot be denied, yet this beauty has been spoiled by the implementation of technology. Moves that have been memorized and played in a robotic way demolish the sole purpose of the game, i.e., unpredictability.

When playing chess was counted towards a profession that involved all the good stuff like trophies and medals, people started to forget about the real essence of the game. Winning championships and getting awarded medals mesmerized players to such a degree that their way of training is purely focused on winning at all costs. Memorizing the openings and famous historic games move by move happened to be the norm.

Such practices gained popularity with the widespread use of computers in chess. Players working with and playing against computers leaned towards a game plan that is by-the-book and lacks creativity. Players ability to play out-of-the-ordinary moves crafted ingeniously was blunted.

Moves that create havoc around the chess board do not always conform with the textbooks, which adds originality to the game. Playing the game as a human who can make mistakes and wonder at the same time cherishes the century-old prodigy of the game.

However, the latest developments in the chess game, which incorporate technology, have damaged the game. It has lost its very human roots, where mistakes are welcome. Instead, the game transformed into a scripted path where a perfect move is always met with a robotically perfect move.

Chess should be returned to its human way. Computers’ influence on how we play should whine down in order for the board to witness more vibrant and joyful games.

Innovation and Private Sector

Private firms spearhead the production growth in any country. After all, the capitalist system itself pushes the private sector to engage in...